Sunday, January 11, 2015


By Justin O'Neal
“Remus, why don’t you go gather me some black raspberries for the dragon frost tonight?”
            “Okay, how many do you need?”
            “As many as you can find would be nice.”
            “What if I were to just buy a bunch?”
            “No they just don’t taste the same as wild raspberries. Store bought ones have all sorts of chemicals on them.”
            “Oh okay, I guess I will go out and explore a little since I’m already out and about. Where are the buckets?”
            “They’re in the basement.”
            “Why is the event called Dragon’s Frost anyways?”
            “You know what? I’m not sure why we call it that. No one really knows what happened that day. Well it must have been something important for there to be an event for it.”
            “Yeah, I’m off to go get those buckets. Where at did you say they were again?”
            “They should be in the basement somewhere. It has been a while sense we have used them so I’m not quite sure. You many need to dig around for them a little.”
            “Alright, if you don’t see me come out after a while you might want to come check up on me.”
            “Ha, will do Remus, but I don’t think there will be that much looking around. We don’t even have that much stuff in the basement.”
            “Yeah, but still. I really don’t feel like laying there not being able to get up because I’m pinned under something.”
            “Okay I will go down and look for you if you have been in there around an hour.”
            “Okay thanks.”

            “Where are you buckets, where are you? Ah, there they are! Hmm, what’s this? It seems to be a legend of some sort. That’s odd though because I have been down here several times before and this was never here.”
            Remus slowly moves toward the passage of what seems to be some kind of ancient legend. Ah he gets closer to the passage. It begins to glow. This glow is a bright sky blue color, but the light only seems to emit from the inside. All of a sudden the passage begins to open. A strong force of windsucking everything into it even Remus.
            While time is stopping in the outside world. He then realized something was odd about this whole thing. Not knowing he had be recently carried into the passage by the wind. He still thought he was in his world.
            “What? W-where am I? This looks like my home and everything, but… everything feels different.”
            Slowly this dark figure enters the room. It enters by fading in and out until finally you can make out what it may be. The shadowy figure has the silhouette of a dragon. It seems to glow a shady purple, along with an icy blue color that runs down markings that appear all over the dragon. In an unsure yet frightened voice, Remus tries to say something. His lips move and his voice is still. While Remus is questioning rather this was a dream or not. He could hear the dragon start to talk in a sturdy voice.
            “Why are you here? You must not be here, you mustn’t be here at all! Have you come to destroy this secret? If you ever speak of this visit you will turn to regret it for my name is Frostig.”
            Remus manages to slip out a few words. “F-frostig? Why are you the legend everyone keeps talking about?”
            “Yes, yes I am. Though my question is still bound to you.”
            “Well Frostig, sir. You see I didn’t mean to disturb you. I was just trying to get buckets to pick berries for my mother. Today is the day we bow down to your past. My mother always makes pies, and a bunch of other deserts with black raspberries. I tell the truth sir. Please don’t harm me!”
            “Then explain to me how you got here?”
            Just before Remus could answer. He found himself back where he belongs. Back in his basement, in his house, during the right time period. He quickly grabs the buckets and heads off into the forest. Soon to please his mother with overflowing buckets full of raspberries. The passage at the forest line seems to make this horrifying noise. The leaves and trees all around it begin to shake.
 Shining not of the color as the dragon, but of the color of white. Soon everything near begins to glow white too. This light appears to be getting larger by the minute. Then all of a sudden where that light was cast it begin coat the surface with a thick lair of ice. The light still grows as the ice thickens. Though Remus is safe he is unaware of what he caused. While he is looking for a good patch of berries his friends and family are all being frozen.
These thick misty woods are such a hassle to go through. I have to be extra careful! The wooded lands, seem to be crawling with many creatures. I guess it’s been a lot longer sense I have been out here. I don’t remember nearly any of these creatures. They look so terrifying I just want to get out of here!
I can’t leave though because I told mother I would gather some berries for her goods. Maybe if I were to find a big patch near the water. I could build a small campsite. Then possibly be able to make some kind of automatic machine to be able to go do something else while it picks the berries. And I would be able to stay away, or be more aware of any unwelcomed visitors. Thing is though, I can’t stay long sense the event starts. Mom needs those berries and soon.
Here seems to be a fairly good place to stop and set up camp. Then maybe that automatic machine I was thinking about earlier. Guess it all depends on how long it takes to make and to set up camp. This patch is huge though. I can’t even see the end of it! Only thing I see is a small iron deposit in the middle of the patch. There all seems to be a bare spot near the iron. Maybe I will work my way back there and set up camp there. The mist might work for powering the machine so there’s a start.
As Remus gathers materials his friends and family are now under miles and miles of ice. Remus is the only one from his village that isn’t frozen. While all that is happening Frostig is making an army of dragons. Then all of a sudden Frostig faints.
 Well I gathered the materials I needed. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would either. That just means I have I have more time to make the machine. I might even be able to go out and make four machines. One in each direction. I would get a chance to look at the iron deposit. Maybe I can figure out why in all places it formed here. Time to get working on those machines. I will need to make the machines. I need to make them so they can float with the mist, or light enough so they can hover over the ground. Making them moveable. They also need to be able to hold berries as they go across. Hmm, what might work for this? I know! Instead of having the machine carry the berries. I will just have a conveyer belt attached to the side. I will have the conveyer so that it “grows” the further away the machine gets. That way I don’t have to work that hard on the machines and I will have more berries in less time. I will just use the mist. It seems to be a nice source of power right now. Good thing the forest is nothing but mist now. It made things a lot easier.
Unknowingly Remus somehow made the berries float in mid-air. Remus had must have picked something up from the strange encounter from earlier. He can now summon the berries to go where he wants them to go. He still doesn’t know what he is doing, it’s just happening. Even though the berries are still arriving at his feet, he thinks it’s the machines not him. Then he realized the machine was built, Remus couldn’t even remember starting it. Though he was still proud to see that his creation was working well.
Well sense I have the machines built I guess this is the perfect opportunity to go scavenge the mystery behind the iron!
As Remus approaches the node with a sorrow filled face. He notices there seems to be a sparkle in it. He realizes then it wasn’t iron but it was some other kind of metal. Hmm, with a devious look on his face. I can make this ore into a weapon of some sort. My mother would never even allow me to glimpse at a weapon. Well this gives me a chance to make my own weapon. Oh, where to even start! I will have to come back here more often now. Only downside is how will I make the weapon? I will need to go back and let mother know I found a really good spot for the berries. That way she doesn’t worry about me if I lose track of time. My machines will do all the picking while I sit back and work on making the weapon.
First thing is first I will need to make my weapon today. I don’t know how I will get it made with the fifty three hours of day light I have left. Just hope I can get it done before I have to go back and get ready for the festival. All I have to do is extract the ore from the rock and melt it. I can wait and make the mold for the weapon while the ore melts. Then maybe I can determine what type of ore it is.
Remus magically gets the ore out of the rock. Then he starts a fire to begin to melt the ore. At this time he can decide if it is a new ore or not. Remus figures if it hasn't been discovered yet he would call it “element ore” It has a touch of red, gray, brown and blue in it. The colors of fire, air, ground, and water.
I wonder how strong and durable this element ore really is. I just hope it can withstand a good amount of pressure. If it can’t then it will be useless to use against anything other than air. It would look pretty lame thrashing a weapon through the air. Sense it is an element ore, maybe I can attach the elements to it. That’s it! I will make sai. Not just any sai of course though. It will be like duel wielding four sai. Four prongs on each weapon. Too bad nothing is close enough for me to get in combat for me to try them out when I am doing making them. Maybe every now and then I can search for a ghost tiger or maybe even a wind snake. That would make for one epic day! Finding a place to hide the sai so I can remember where they are might be a bit harder than I thought though. Definitely don’t want anyone else to find them! I guess I can just keep them here in this patch of berries, somewhere near the bare spot. By the time I am done with the sai, I will have to head back with all the berries.
Remus still didn't know that his village had been frozen. Soon to find out he also would get frozen. Not by the breath of the dragon, but by the misuse of the sai. Something had gone terribly wrong when he was attempting to put in the four elements into the sai. The water and wind elements are what cause the misfortune and freezing him. While Remus is left frozen for a few thousand years the planet began to change tremendously. Dragons began to roam the sky and ground. All sorts of dragons started to appear and began a new era “Drakin” is what the era will soon be called. There were good dragons, evil dragons, flying dragons, and even dragons without wings. Some were able to heal, some were able to cause destruction. Some even lived be eating the undead, known as corrupt dragons.    

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